Oct 25, 2009

God and Money III - Making Things Right. Pr. Brent Cantelon, October 18th, 2009

Watch this message at http://www.clachurch.com/id/78/fileid/288/vid/strServiceAddressBB/Archive.html

For some of you, your spiritual life has suffered by living far beneath the miraculous provision of God. You have ended up living in the natural when it comes to your finances. How we relate to money and how we handle it is one of the most important aspects of our spiritual growth and blessing. Without faithful, faith-filled giving and relationship with God in this area, finances remain locked.

Genesis 22:14 – Three foundational principles of God's financial plan for success.

I) The earth is the Lord's
God is the center of the universe – I am not.
God owns everything.
Psalm 24:1

II) Everything we have is a blessing from God
We are stewards of God's resources.
It is God who teaches us to profit.
Isaiah 48:17

III) If I am untrustworthy with worldly wealth, how can I be trusted with the true riches of heaven?
Who do we serve?
Do we serve God or do we serve money?
Luke 16:10-13

Giving begins with the tithe.

a) Jesus affirmed the tithe. Matt 23:23
b) Jesus affirmed the measure – that it would be measured back to us. Luke 6:38
c) The New Testament believers brought their tithes to the local church. Malachi 3:10 - that there might be food in the house.
d) The New Testament never removes the timeless principle of God's ownership of first fruits.
e) The tithe belongs to the Lord. It is HOLY. Lev. 27:30
f) The tithe is never lost. It is always resident in God's eternal bank.

We do not give the tithe. We return the tithe because it belongs to the Lord. It is not ours to give. To Withholdinging the tithe is to rob God. God does not need our money. If He did he would not be God.

Ministry Time

God's promise is to you, your family and the generations to come!

Is there a commitment you would be willing to make right now in returning the tithe back to God? The amount is not the issue. The issue is in being obedient and returning the tithe (10%) back to God. Start today, forget about yesterday!

Pray and read over the scriptures throughout the week. Choose to obey God in the matters of the tithe and see what God will do. Pray for those in need

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